Monday, March 02, 2009

Gordon the Gopher

Remember Gordon? He used to have his own little slot on children's TV with Andy somethingorother and he used to squeak annoyingly and once really wound Des Lynam up by appearing in a hinged toupee, flicking to one side with a flourish and challenging Des to do the same!
I was writing songs for a theatre group, Count of Three, and we had a drummer in the little band who lived in Stamford Hill.
He was riding along on his bicycle one morning and he found a package at the side of the road. It was Gordon the Gopher's Olympic costume, all wrapped up ready to be tried on. He phoned the BBC and they were deeply grateful and relieved to have such a valuable asset returned to them; it had fallen off the back of the despatch bike as it was hurried along to Television Centre for the evening's show.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:05 pm

    I loved Gordon, that click where the small dog tries to get too friendly with him and he gets increasingly disturbed as the dog gets increasingly friendly, is classic.
