Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ewan McGregor

Four years ago I was an Crieff in Scotland.
The Highland Games were on and it was chucking it down, nasty cold knife rain, and I thought about buying a warm waterproof jacket.
In the warm waterproof jacket shop I saw just the thing, and I tried it on.
'Ewan McGregor tried that on five minutes ago', said the sales assistant smugly, assured of a sale by this provenance.
I looked impressed, but the jacket just didn't fit so I took off and returned it to its rail.
I told lots of people the story, and watched how excited they got; I didn't dare admit that I hadn't a clue who he was.
A couple of years later I learned that he was a Hollywood film star, who had been born and brought up in Crieff, and he was there because he had been invited as the Highland Games Chieftain by the organisers, a courtesy title that they bestowed each year on somebody grand.

1 comment:

  1. He also plays a wee bit guitar, rides motorcycles, and sings very well indeed. Almost your soulmate I should have thought, Helen. (Borrow 'Trainspotting', Moulin Rouge' and 'Long Way Round', then rush back to Crieff and see if that waterproof is still there.)
