Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thorts: Meowmachines, Munchausen and Mellotrons

Ha Ha- my friend Kim sent me a wry observation about artists and musicians and their generosity- and how sometimes this is not so welcome! The boundary between sharing and blowing one's own trumpet is very quivery indeed, I agree.
That was a thort on the way back from Tom's.
He is going to New York in October for good and I'm scurrying to finish stuff before he goes. I was re-doing the vocal on The Apple Tree which I've tried to put on Myspace but not sure if it's there.
There were other thorts; as the furious cats realise they're off to the cattery again (gigs in Scotland this weekend), I thought of them yelling in their boxes and how funny it would be to march into a poncy studio with a cat carry-box and announce that it's a Meowmachine and I want it on my track. A bit like the human piano in Munchausen that prod-uces sound when the poor caged captives are jabbed in the bum with a sharp bumjabber operated by the person playing the piano keyboard. Which made me think of its similarities to the Mellotron, whose tapes had to be re-wound at the end of every gig.
Ah, technology! Good old Rabelais, predicting the recording of sound with his story of frozen battle sounds melting in the sun years later and being perfectly preserved, even though the battle was over centuries ago.
Meanwhile there has been more interest about a Chefs compilation. And Amazon has listed Poetry and Rhyme as Poems and Rhymes. That's hilarious, as I'd changed the name from Polyhymnia because I thought it would be difficult!


  1. BARON VON MUNCHAUSEN is that any relation to the "red baron" the scourge of british airmen during the 1st.World War?

  2. Anonymous8:58 am

    I wondered what had happened to Polyhymnia.
    Thinking it may have been the prominent Hym in the middle, I was going to suggest replacing hym with Her; then I realised you can't have a cd that sounds like a ruptured parrot.

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