Wednesday, July 02, 2008


After a quick whiz round the supermarket to stock up on blueberry muffins and buy a strong coffee (getting about 4 hours sleep a night at the moment), I rolled up at Tom's house. It was funny to see that a second Indian sweet shop has opened and gone bust downstairs since the last time I was there! The hallway was still packed with PA speakers (Tom also plays in a covers band and they are always busy with weddings at this time of year) and there were still lots of letters on the floor.
All the studio gear was crammed into the attic, a satisfyingly messy tangle of leads on the floor and keyboards, black metal units and more cables on every living surface. the computers were up and running, the mic was set up, and it was ready to go.
I did The Song of the Old Man first, to get the cramp-inducing chords out of the way. I may have to re-record it using an acoustic guitar like the MArtin acoustic, but the vocal was OK especially for a morning vocal. I can't ponce about with ideas like not singing before rock'n'roll breakfast time (that's 12 midday to you!) because I've always had to record before work which starts at 2, but most singers do say they sing best in the evenings. Then I did a rockabilly song called Rockin' Girl, which I have just written. There is a gap for a guitar solo and it gave me an idea. The next rockin' track I do, I'll put on Myspace with an invitation to download it and add a rockin' solo to anyone who wants to, and then release the best one!
Next up was Baby, a song I'm distance-writing with Martin Stephenson. I am not sure if I got the chords right on his bit (I wrote a verse and some chords, and he wrote the next verse and the melody and words for the bridge) but I'll email it to him and see.
Finally, I did a backing vocal on the She Will Fly song that I'm going to animate.
All that in less than three hours, and I then came home and houseworked like mad because someone's coming to look round the house tomorrow to see if they want to buy it.
So now I am sitting like a complete zomboid lump but feeling that today has not been a bad day at all.

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