Friday, July 04, 2008

Man Nearly Falls Off Roof

I was sitting watching Gok Wan on TV with my pal Fonotz.
'A man is falling off the roof', observed Fonotz.
Across the road, a man was falling off a roof.
He was holding on with his fingertips, with his arms and legs at crazy angles
I shot into my scruffy pink Timberlands and belted across the road.
A little girl stood at the foot of the ladder, trying to be In Charge.
Together, we hoisted the heavy ladder, which had slipped into the shrubbery, over the tiles, one at a time, so it was straight again and within reach.
'Can you reach it?', I asked
'No', said the man.
He gingerly edged towards it, stopping every so often because the roof was covered with green algae.
Finally he caught hold of the top of the ladder with one hand, and eventually managed to get his feet on to the top rung.
I stood on the bottom rung to try to stop it from slipping again.
'Thanks', he said when he got to the bottom.
I went back home and finished watching Gok.
Ruffty-tuffty, ain't I?


  1. Anonymous2:13 pm

    Now we know what Superman gets up to when you're not looking!

    Or maybe Superman's Big Sister.

    Well done. :)

  2. That's fantastic; good for you. I think the man should bring you a big bunch of cheese straws. Or at least offer to clean your gutters.

  3. Anonymous9:54 am

    He's a sculptor- I'm lying low in case he brings me one of his artworks!
    H McC
