Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well that last posting sure as heck was a moan! Issues, issues- somebody got burned by the music business in their youth!
I just always seemed to be a square peg when the holes were round and a round peg when they were square.
Well, now I've got a tartan terror-dress, and that will sort 'em all out!
So if you hear howls of angst and screams of shock
And your knees begin to knock
And your heart begins to leap
And your mouth begins to cheep
And your legs begin to tremble
And your guts begin to rumble
And your hands begin to shake
And the earth begins to quake
And your teeth begin to chatter
And your brain turns into butter
And your hair stands right on end
And you start to fear your friend.....

It's only me!
In my suburban tartanry
In the gloamin'-ah
On the bonny banks of Lloyds TSB
Three cheers for bad taste!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:59 pm

    It was a good posting; all too too true.

    I like tartans. The Buchanan one is quite striking, and I'd like a Macduff tartan sheet so I really could Lay on Macduff... :/
