Monday, April 28, 2008

Monday's Mood

This was a much more laid-back day than yesterday. I took some Helen and the Horns vinyl albums down to Rough Trade, which was Jane's suggestion. I've tried phoning and writing to Near Shore but they don't reply, and I can't get hold of any more CDs, which is really frustrating, so the vinyl will have to do. The guys at Rough Trade say they will send me a link to put in this blog and on Myspace.
I had a little wander round Portobello Road, and saw a Dot Cotton lookalike outside a shop; they are everywhere in London, tiny and spry and smoking their fags like nobody's business. I thought of a name for Cotton-spotting: Spot the Dot.

The glass is a quarter full, which is better than being three-quarters empty. London is full of things to see and people to meet, and I met Caroline in a minute Portugese cafe where we ate massive plates of home-made food and drank coffee and talked all sorts of talk, from the personal to the political. We are both going to vote differently in the London Mayoral Election, but both going to put the Green Party second. She had seen Rhoda Dakar versus Toby Young on a late-night TV show, and was full of praise for Rhoda's articulate putting down of the smug Toby, who made much of the fact that he'd gone to the original Rock Against Racism event only for the music, and not for anything else.
Well, I know at least one eighteen year old who wasn't going to vote (for the first time) before attending Sunday's Love Music, Hate Racism festival, but who is now.
I read somewhere that it was The Daily Mail who invented the term suffragette to try to put the female vote campaigners down all those years ago.
Don't think they've changed much!

While I was in Rough Trade I heard some music that I liked and I bought a CD.
I could never be a proper reviewer because I can't remember what the band was called and I can't be bothered to get up and have a look, owing to the fact that I have sunk too deeply into this chair to ever get out of it again.
If I can persuade anyone to get the CD out and put it on then I will tell you all about it, but it's unlikely that will happen.
Sorry everybody.
Perhaps I could just invent a band and a fictional CD, and review non-existent tracks and give them four stars out of five.

I'm too lazy even to do that, actually.

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