Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I was talking to my friend in Australia today about this.
When we were little kids, train travel to visit McScottish relatives took a long time. McMum piled us all into the train, including our Siamese cat, Pandy, who was in the Mum's Bag, a big black bag where the damp flannel, travel sickness sweets, spare socks and so on lived.
At lunchtime for a treat we went along to the restaurant car and sat there importantly, eating our dinner with heavy silver-coloured knives and forks. When we'd finished the waiter came along with the bill. McMum unzipped the bag, completely forgetting that it was full of indignant cat.
Pandy poked her head out, furiously.
'MEOW!!' she bellowed, her neck erect with affront, an angry spark in her eyes.
The waiter got such a shock he almost leapt out of his uniform!

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