Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In which I am incredibly brave

I was conscious of a bit of fluff or something in my hair this morning but I carried on with the routine, cup of tea, etc etc etc
Until I went to the bathroom and saw that the bit of fluff (which had seemed to be moving) was actually one of those humungously massive spiders, and was on my collar, just next to my neck.
At other times in my life I have had a terrible, terrible phobia about spiders (it's a family thing; Little Bruv lost all faith in Santa Claus when given a wibbly-wobbly plastic one with long legs all wrapped up in cheery paper from Santa's sack; and McDad delivered a scolding sermon once about how silly we were to be so petrified, then shuddered so much is teeth rattled).
But today, I calmly (almost) brushed it into the sink, and not only that, gently fished it out on a bit of bog paper and gently, yes, gently, no throwing, put it on the floor to scuttle away to safety.
Wasn't that brave?

My brain rewarded me with a little jokelet.
What's another name for a Siamese cat?
A cat of many colours.

P.S. Once my cat, Tiger, was crunching up the juicy body of a biggie, and its legs fell out of his mouth on to the lino. I swear they clattered as they hit the floor!

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