Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Roond at Toms

Been at the studio today, adding some really cool guitar parts to some of the songs, doing a bit of editing, recording the song Sulkworm using the Rhodes (I'm a bit clumsy as a keyboard player but I did a rough version which I might put on Myspace).
I was knackered as I got in at 2 a.m. last night after taking some amps back to Crouch End with a chap who lit up a fag at the Jazz Cafe and got chucked out!
Last nights gig was different to the night before- much chillier audience to start off with (not used to going out perhaps!), and a talky crowd, but the Daintees melted them in the end and had everyone singing and dancing along with them, lauging and smiling and clapping as though they were teenagers at their first festival.
I've met some really nice people in the past couple of days- not just the band themselves but also Daisy, a funky Dickensian sort of girl who was selling their merchandise, Johnny Guitar, who was invited up on stage to play spoons, Tam, who used to promote the Wag club in the 1980s, Rob who runs Voiceprint, and loads more.
I felt like I wanted to do this every night of the week.
Instead, it's back to jacket potatoes, the washing up and the cats, who constantly shout things at me that I don't understand. If I ignore them, they just shout even louder, so I spend a lot of time talking to them and hoping that nobody hears me. Don't want to end up like Prince Charles talking to his reed-bed; that would be a terrible state of affairs.

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