Thursday, June 21, 2007

Jammie Dodgers

I'm sure some of the children from Song Club only come along for the jammie dodgers we have at the end.
Today, the head told us not to get felt pen on the floor (guilty- it writes straight through the paper on to the wood)
But we did well- we did a new song about being up in the clouds and alone in the sky that the children learned straight away.
What do you call the part of the plane where a pilot sits? The saddle, according to one of the children.
Ah well.
Up early tomorrow to travel to Gateshead Little Theatre. Martin's been learning some of my songs and I have been learning some of his, so we'll play some together; we have also been co-writing songs by email for the CD we are going to record.
Also, I have developed a couple of London gigs and have therefore not fallen foul of the Cockneys.
Bout time I finished my album too, so must go and do a bit more recording at Tom's.
Bitty posting: Song Club's exhausting; Jamie has a gig tonight at the Goethe Institute with the Irrepressibles, and had one with a covers band last night. He didn't get in till 5 a.m this morning. At least I got to snore a bit longer than that last night.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the gig at Gateshead (which I really enjoyed!) but you didn't end up doing each other's songs. Why not? What happened?
