Monday, April 09, 2007

A story about Russell

I am a really bad speller, I know, so it's ironic that I've spent the past two days proofreading my book! I think I've finished (I hope I have finished) and I'l send it all off tomorrow to see if there's anything else I have to do.
Anyway, here's a story about Russell, The Chefs' drummer.
One morning, Russ woke up to hear two women laughing and talking about a bloke who had fallen asleep in a bush, with his feet in the air, and speculating about how he had got there.
It gradually dawned on him that they were talking about him.
He'd had too much to drink the night before and fallen asleep upside down in a bush while he was on his way home.
I think he waited until they'd gone before he got up.


  1. Anonymous12:58 pm

    That happened in Brighton, after a party at my house in Southover Street I think. I often pass that hedge and think of Russ!

    Pete Chrisp

  2. Anonymous11:32 am

    It was on Friday 31 October 1980! From my diary:

    ''Our excellent party. Carl very drunk. Russ spends night in hedge. Doug vomits in bin and pushes bloke through window who's trying to piss on him."

    It continued the next day in the same vein - we had lots of disgusting home-brewed beer to get through.

  3. Anonymous8:39 pm

    I have a story about Russell.

    He worked in a store managing the furniture department. The Chefs played with my band one night, and we got back to Brighton about three or four in the morning. The next day I bumped into Russ in town somewhere. He said he had slept a few hours and then gone to work on time, where as he walked in the boss commented on him not having shaved, so Russ turned round and walked out, and dumped his briefcase into a trash-can. He told me he had been working on the new Discount Sale prices of the furniture and all the paperwork was in the bag, so they wouldn't know what any of their furniture cost. I went to the store a few days later to have a look, and the furniture department was closed, with some tape across the stairway like an accident scene.

