Thursday, April 26, 2007

Easter Squirrel

Jenny had hidden loads of chocolate Easter Eggs in shiny foil around the garden for the children to hunt for, but everyone was eating their lunch first. Little Bruv and myself were sitting in the garden yakking and we became aware of a squirrel casing the joint. One of Jenny's mega-cats was aware of the squirrel too, and the squirrel was aware of the mega-cat, back. So there we all were, watching each other.
Suddenly, the squirrel made a dive for a massive Easter Egg, grabbing it between its teeth and bombing back up the fence, chucking the Egg into next door's garden for later and buggering off as fast as it could into the distance. Simultaneously, the mega-cat made a dive for the squirrel, completely missing it and creating the most enormous racket as it scarabbled up the fence and only just made it to the top.
Me and Little Bruv just sat there with our mouths open.

I'm exhausted after the excitement of telling you that. I re-lived it, you see.

What's happening today? Re-recording vocals of some old songs round at Tom's; I've got a feeling that the reason I don't like some of those songs is that I don't like the way I sing 'em. Just wish i could hoover the goo out of my lungs (hay fever) but we'll see how it goes.
Then this evening, down to Tufnell Park for the gig. Looking forward to seeing Ollie because I haven't seen him for ages.
I've had a funny postbag this week (that's what they have on children's TV programmes, don't they?)
A wound G turned up from Dan in Wolverhampton (must be a heavy metal string, coming from the Black Country) and an audio-letter from Stu in Brighton plus a very lively sounding Peel session copy.
Just bills today though.

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