Thursday, January 25, 2007


Silly, isn't it. Phew, what a scorcher.
I was myspacechatting to a guy from Glasgow and remembering this gig Helen and the Horns did in Henry Afrikas there. There was a smoke machine that went into overdrive just before we hit the stage, and the fog so thick Chris the Trumpet player couldn't see his music. In fact, none of us could see each other and nor could we see the audience. I spent the entire gig earnestly singing to what I thought was a person only to discover towards the end when the smoke cleared that I had been singing to a pillar, and the audience was over to my left somewhere completely different!
Ah, happy days, happy days... they gave us two crates of Red Stripe on the rider and we drank one of them and took the other to Edinburgh and put it in the fridge where we were staying for after the gig that night. They guys all went out after we had played to get a drink, but me and Sally, our sound engineer, decided to stay in and chat because we were tired. When they got back, we said 'There's a few beers in the fridge'. There weren't. Sally and me had drunk the whole crate while we were chatting. Weird.
So I'm off to Cardiff today, driving over after work, to play the Buffalo Bar in Windsor Place. Looks like a nice venue, and I'm looking forward to it. The other band is the Stillettoes- they look good. Charlotte Grieg's coming along with heer guitarists after her rehearsal. I have callouses on my fingers from practising for it.
And Bobby Moore is thinking of writing a book about the Slits. Bout time someone did- I hope they all agree to being interviewed for it! Also, I'm going to do an interview with Martin Stephenson on Resonance at 7 p.m. on 22nd February.

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