Friday, July 21, 2006


Had to cancel last night's recording session, it's not good to get people to play stuff when they aren't well and there are lots of summer viruses snaking their way around.
I noticed a funny thing- I play guitar and sing much better when it's too hot. I can't work out why, whether it forces me to be more relaxed. But in some of those really posh air-conditioned studios you feel dried up and boring. Up at Tom's, there are always old sleeping bags festering in corners, old equipment piled on shelves awaiting investigation, the house shakes when a bus goes past, he has to shut the windows because of the police sirens, and it's boiling because it's in the attic. You just feel in the mood for playing; maybe you mentally link up with the idea of the Delta bluesmen or something pretentious like that! But you sort of get into a trance and just go with the flow man. I was talking to Gina about this CD being delayed because of re-doing the vocals, and she said that a recording lasts for ever. I'd feel bad releasing something that was not the absolute best I could possibly do at this moment. And I don't have to worry about time not being on my side! I'm ancient anyway, tra-la, tra-lee! Nobody's going to want to sign me to a major, get me to wear trowel-loads of makeup, sack my band, do interviews with every crap publication in the universe and exhaust myself with pointless meetings in swanky buildings to 'meet the MD'. So I'll just fold those wrinkles into my t-shirt and enjoy SINGING and PLAYING and DO-IT-MYSELFING!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:46 am

    The spirit of punk: DIY.

