Thursday, June 29, 2006

Top of the Pops

Ah well, looks like I will never achieve my ambition of appearing on Top of the Pops as a granny...
Here, however, are the scores for the tracks (cue exciting music like on game shows)
1. The Word is Goodbye and Don't Know Why (13 votes each- everybody voted for these ones)
2. London and Running Away (12 votes each)
3. Dreaming of You and Swan (11 votes each)
4. Heaven Avenue, Once in a Blue Moon, Hill of Fools, Britannia Great and Colour My Day (10 votes each)
5. Temptation and Hymn to Kent (9 votes each)
6. Songbird, Little England and Gretna Green (8 votes each)
7. Moses (7 votes)
8. The Past is Just a Dream and The Love of Money (6 votes)
9. The Properties of Chalk and Sun (5 votes)
So... Everything 8 votes and above will be on it... the others, perhaps I'll finish and put on Myspace or this site.
And also, I will put the Screaming song on it. Dubulah did some cool guitar overdubs and there will be bass on it too courtesy Gina Birch.
The song that 4 people fell in love with was Once in a Blue Moon, which is about falling in love, so perhaps it's not surprising.
I will be playing and talking on Scaledown's Resonance show on Friday 21st July- details to follow.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:59 am

    I tell you what really gets my goat-
    A Troll!
