Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Chefs

A Peruvian record company called Plastilina contacted me a while ago asking to bring out a Chefs compilation. I'm now back in touch with Carl and James (guitarists). Russ, the drummer, died a few years ago. Plastilina didn't get back in touch after I asked for a sample agreement, but we are getting together some tracks just in case anyone else asks us if we want to do a compilation. It's early days yet, and we'll do it if the interest is there and if anyone can stomach getting thru to the BBC for our sessions- it took Near Shore two years to get the Helen and the Horns ones. Also, distribution has been a problem for the Helen and the Horns CD- there is still no distributor which is why it sells by mail order only. The poor guy has them stacked up in his hallway and I have to take them down to Rough Trade myself, when I can get there, and face the rather grumpy staff.
This is what happens when you aren't famous, but at least you can buy corn plasters in Boots without someone phoning the News of the World.


  1. Dear Helen, Its what the world, and i, have been waiting for: A Chefs Compilation Album CD.
    All my vinyl grooves have been worn out several decades ago, and there is nothing to replace them, although you have some on WEB' Its hard cos' im not On-Line.
    Kind Regards Monty XXX

  2. Dear Helen, Regarding the Chefs CD. I posted a message to your page earlier, and the same to this. Whatever one reaches you first. please can you include:
    24 Hours,Sweetie,Thrush,Records x Tea,Boasting,Let's make up!Someone i know,Femme Fatale, One fine day, You get everywhere, Food, Locked Out, And 24 Hours-Different verse?
    Sorry to keep pestering you with my pesistant Blogging' Monty XXX
