Monday, May 08, 2006


I played the Hope and Anchor last night- which I play every few years, and every time I go back there's been a re-design. There's really no need, you know, to do this especially for me, guys!
Thank you for coming, Rowen and Ludek! (and of course, Monty) The sound guy is brilliant- he's called Elias and he comes from Geordieland (all the best Geordies are exiles).
I saw a really sarky review of the Slits gig in Dublin- funny how some people in the audience try to rely on their bands to bring back their youth for them! Heritage versions, suppose. They are a good Now band- different from the Then band, but still a damn sight better than almost any band I've seen in the last ten years, and that is a LOT of bands.
I'm having a rest from the book, it was driving me mad. Someone was going to read it for me but now they are not. So today I'm doing picture research, and then I'll pretend I'm someone else and read it later this week. It's raining, but I don't mind; it's not so hard to be a swot if the sun's not shining.
I washed my cat on Saturday because he was dirty. He loved it.

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