Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thank you Arnauld

Thank you for your lovely comment, Arnauld. I know I never got particularly famous, but reading something like that makes it all worth while!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 pm

    You are welcome !
    I still remember how happy I was when I crossed the channel from Roscoff to Plymouth and discovered in a record shop the vinyl LP, plus the Freight Train and Two Steps At My Door singles, more than 20 years ago now ?
    I have faithfully kept these vinyls and ... waited for a real CD.
    Here it is ! I could not believe it when I finally got it into my hands.
    By the way, you should send a promo copy to the France Inter radio programme C'est Lenoir. The web site is
    It is possible to contact them on this site.
    The postal address is

    Bernard Lenoir - Michelle Soulier
    France Inter
    Pièce 431
    116 avenue du Président Kennedy
    F-75220 Paris cedex 16

    France Inter is the French national station (like the BBC) and this C'est Lenoir programme is specialised on modern indie music and the 80's bands.
    Everything you are...
    Another essential person to contact in France is the French-Scottish music journalist named Hugo Cassavetti. He is a specialist of the 80s and works for the French magazine Telerama. He could promote the CD as well.
    His address is
    Hugo Cassavetti
    36 Rue de Naples
    F-75008 Paris

    It might not hurt to inform all these people that the CD is out ?
