Thursday, March 14, 2019


Today looked like a steep hill, until the chap at the coffee shop gave me a free coffee. I smiled all the way to work and I don't even mind that I got up early and the first student hasn't arrived, and hasn't sent an apology for not turning up. I almost feel like singing The Hills Are Alive or jumping in the air for joy and clicking my heels, but everyone would stare at me, and I'm not an exhibitionist.

I'm in a good mood, anyway. Yesterday's recording went extremely well, apart from the fact that I had messed up the cello arrangement which is beautifully played, but not written correctly. So that's a project for the weekend. And also, after three years of feeling like a robot, I feel like a human being again; I don't know what has brought this on, but it's a lovely feeling.

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