Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Word Soup

Three hours of writing... where did I see that article about skinheads at a Mo-Dettes gig? All the cuttings in the file are tidy, but certain things still seem to have escaped.
I am slightly dyslexic (you may have noticed) and words tend to disappear and reappear which can be rather unnerving, so I have to search and search again for 'lost' material.
It is actually quite interesting to go right back to the sources for a piece of writing; this feels much more like being a historian than being an academic because there is a lot of primary-sourced stuff that has come to light in battered box files and frayed folders.
It is well and truly time for a break. My eyes are stinging from staring at the screen. More writing this afternoon, and then an interview with Gina for Cazz.
Looking forward to that!

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