Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Theatre Royal Nottingham: Thank You

Despite the train from St Pancras being determined to hold things up, I managed to get to the Theatre Royal in time to give Mike and June a hug and do a neat sound check before the gig started.
The Theatre Royal in Nottingham is a gorgeous building, a gem in a lovely city that is full of surprises, as we discovered on The Daintees tour last year, and I had been looking forward to going back. Brass rails, thick pale green carpets, friendly staff and a warm welcome from the host, David Longford soon made me forget the journey.
I loved the gig- the sound was as clear as a bell, there was a  great atmosphere and a listening audience; I enjoyed chatting to people afterwards and it was great to meet one or two people who were familiar with The Chefs and Helen and the Horns. Now, here is a totally nerdy thing: the set list, with links where possible!

Part 1

3 Maple Men http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/three-maple-men
Unsung Heroine http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/the-song-of-the-unsung-heroine
Love on the Wind
The House on the Hill http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/the-house-on-the-hill
I Feel It http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/i-feel-it
Temptation http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/temptation
Lover When You Leave Me (not recorded yet)
Snakebite (Helen and the Horns song, without Horns)
Heaven Avenue http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/heaven-avenue

Part 2

The Word is, Goodbye http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/the-word-is-goodbye
Gotta Have a Heart http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/gotta-have-a-heart
Mr and Mrs Songsmith
Big Brother is Watching You (not recorded yet)
London http://www.reverbnation.com/helenmccookerybook
Little England http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/little-england
Sugar Hill http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/sugar-hill
If You've Got The Blues http://helenmccookerybook.bandcamp.com/track/if-youve-got-the-blues
24 Hours (Chefs song, acoustic version, not recorded yet)
Let's Make Up (Chefs song, acoustic version, not recorded yet)
Freight Train (Helen and the Horns song, without Horns)

1 comment:

Monty-a fan of The Chefs said...

When's the CD available?